Welcome to Dutchy Professionals

Welcome to Dutchy Cosmetics

“No More Hustle, Enjoy The Exclusive Benefits Of Dutchy Professionals During Your Professional Time”

Are you a beauty conscious person who loves using different products but is afraid of chemical ridden products, vague ingredients labels, and hidden chemicals in your products?

Are you a beauty professional and are tired of non-professional wholesalers, high price and low quality products, delayed deliveries and irresponsible customers support by the company you source your products from?

Are you a beauty products reseller having very low profit margins even after lots of sales? If you can relate to any of the above problems!

Then we have got your back, we have founded Dutchy Professionals for you!


Made with love and at your service

Tested & Approved

Finest quality beauty products

Dutchy Empire

Will be built together

Grow together

First goal is your growth

Our Mission

“At Dutchy Professionals, our mission is to provide the finest quality beauty products to our end-users! We will offer the most trusted and tested latest beauty tools, products, and practical materials to the beauty professionals, educators, and resellers to achieve excellence and perfect their work”

Keep in touch with us

Our Vision

“Our vision as a business is to become the European market leader in beauty and to make the different beauty products and treatments affordable and available to everyone anywhere in the world.

The founders of Dutchy Professionals, is a young beauty enthusiastic team of entrepreneurs, after serving the beauty industry for years they figured out some serious problems and decided to come up with an affordable and reliable solution for all.

At Dutchy Professionals, we are working day in and day out to transform the customer’s experience and to take the beauty industry to the next level.